Casual sex and discreet encounters Glasgow

Welcome to our community where like-minded people express their naughty side safely, securely and confidentially.

Encounters dating is a dating site with a difference site where liberated adults and couples come together and explore their wildest sexual fantasies online, exchange naughty videos and photos, and arrange to meet for discreet sexual encounters, casual hook ups and online fun.

The majority of the men and women on casual sex sites such as Encounters are not looking for a romantic relationship. Many are already in relationships but are either unhappy or looking to spice things up a bit. When joining an sex dating site you should know that most members on the site are after one thing... SEX. Plain and simple! If that’s not what you are looking for we suggest you try another dating site. If you are looking to meet sexual partners or just engage in naughty online chat adult dating is for YOU!

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Casual Affairs

Some members are married or in a relationship. We recommend all users are open and honest about this so both parties understand. You will find most members prefer honesty and many are open to most situations as long as both parties are clear about what they want. If in doubt, if you think someone is un-trustworthy follow your instincts and move on. With so many members to choose from its their loss. Be open and honest and have fun.

The most important rule whether you meet someone online or in a bar is to be safe. Always practice safe sex.

Start meeting local guys and girls for sex today, claim your free Encounters Dating account to get started.

Register today to meet people like you wanting sex with strangers or meeting local swingers for adult fun.

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