Casual encounters and no strings sex Long Island

Welcome to Encounters Dating, the online pleasure seeking destination for adults only! Encounters is a dating site like no other, it’s not for the feint hearted. If you just can't get enough sex this site is what you have been waiting for. With hundreds of horny people joining every month from Long Island we have The US's largest database of active GENUINE members all looking for sex in Long Island right now. Join them for free today.

Need to add some additional spice to your sex life?

Many members have partners, some looking for extra marital affairs, but many simply enjoy sharing photos/videos and sexy chat without actually cheating on their partner or spouse. Many more members are couples looking to introduce another partner or couple into their love-play.

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  • Secure messaging
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If you are a sexually adventurous person or enjoy partner swapping, couples or group sex, Encounters Dating is the perfect meeting post for other singles and couples in Long Island. You can be assured that you are meeting like-minded people with a similar outlook on life.

Signing up is quick and easy. Just complete the quick sign up form above and get instant access to thousands of swingers and fuck buddies near Long Island.

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Register today to add you own photo profile to our huge database of members looking for local encounters in and around Long Island. Check out our latest member suggestions, search members nearby, view their uncensored photos and diary entries and send a wind or Icebreaker to show you are interested.